Become an Affiliate
We are excited to offer you a way to keep the puppies that you sell on Juru to maintain their optimal health while providing an opportunity for you to earn some income!
Here are the benefits of the Affiliate Program
1. Commission: You receive a 15% commission of all orders placed by your puppy customers. The customer receives $10 off their first order.
Once approved, you will receive an email for a shareable link that can be used on your emails, your website, Facebook, or any other social media platform. When anyone uses your personalized link, you will bet a commission of 15% on their order. The customer will get $10 off their first order.
The same email will also have a 3-digit code for you to use either on the 8oz bags or the Puppy Bundle Kit (see below). When the customer orders, you will get the 15% commission. The customer will get $10 off their first order.
2. Discount on all products: You will receive 15-18% off all online orders. Once signed in, go to products and you will see an Affiliate Shopping Cart viewable only to affiliates.
3. Affiliate Portal: You can log into your affiliate area anytime by clicking on the My Account Tab and going to the Affiliate Area. From the Affiliate Portal, you will be able to track referrals and payouts. You will also have access to various banners, images, and documents. These are in the Creatives tab of the portal. Use these creatives to help advertise to customers.
In addition to earning some income off of Juru Products, we are excited to give you an opportunity to earn income off the dog food that you recommend. We have partnered with PawTree dog food and products. Breeders like you have had huge success not only with the quality for their dog food but in making some exciting passive income. We recommend you sell their dog food at time of purchase and give the customer your personalized URL to reorder. You will earn 10%-30% off each order. Check out the details and sign up by clicking here.
Thanks for being a part of the Juru team and welcome aboard!
The Juru team!
Here are two options for using the 3-digit code.
Option 1
The Puppy Bundle Starter Kit. This kit includes:
- A 2lb bag of Juru Gut Support
- A 1lb bag of Great Lakes grain-free dog food (read more about them at
- A rope toy
- Pee pads
- A Juru frisbee
- A 25% coupon off the Worm Defense good for 30 days
The puppy bundle retails for $39.99. You will place your code on a sticker inside the box so that anytime they order in the future, you will still get your 15% commission.
Option 2
Juru 8oz Bags
you to place your affiliate code on them. The code will
allow the puppy customer to get a $10 discount on their
first purchase and you will get 15% off their first and
future orders.
Don't Forget!!!
Please note: We have received feedback from some customers that their breeder gave them a Ziploc bag with product in it. We strongly discourage this option as it really does not benefit the puppy customer at all nor does it help our branding.